Ambassador Cooked Meats | Ham
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Cooked Ham Products

Whole plain ham at Ambassador Cooked Meats

Whole and 1/2 Joints

An easy to carve 100% Plain, Gammon Honey Roast or Smoked ham which has been deboned and trimmed to the highest standards at Ambassador from selected pork legs and cured using the latest techniques.

These are then slow cooked over 10 hours to give a firm texture and great flavour.

It is then honey coated or smoked then roasted to give even more flavour to the product.


All products are batch controlled at every stage to ensure 100% traceability and product consistency.

Ham sliced at Ambassador Cooked Meats

Sliced Ham

Our Sliced 100% Plain, Gammon Honey Roast or Smoked ham which has been deboned and trimmed to the highest standards at Ambassador from selected pork legs and cured using the latest techniques.

These are then slow cooked over 10 hours to give a firm texture and great flavour.

It is then honey coated or smoked and roasted to give even more flavour to the product which is then vacuum packed to seal in the flavour.


All products are batch controlled at every stage to ensure 100% traceability and product consistency.

Shaved Ham at Ambassador Cooked Meats

Shaved Ham

Our thin shaved is 100% Plain, Gammon Honey Roast or Smoked ham which has been deboned and trimmed to the highest standards at Ambassador from selected pork legs and cured using the latest techniques.

These are then slow cooked over 10 hours to give a firm texture and great flavour.

It is then honey coated or smoked and roasted to give even more flavour to the product which is then MAP packed to keep in the flavour.


All products are batch controlled at every stage to ensure 100% traceability and product consistency.